

2021 | Short | 6.30 min

For a long time, I thought that the forests were like the stars and the sky – belonging to everybody, just as much yours as mine. Not until now, with you, forests involve conditions. They are assets. Property. Heritage. The american author Wendell Berry wrote: “The connection to the land, to the source of the local communities and agricultural economies, becomes increasingly abstract and increasingly characterized by a lack of awareness.” What does this lack of awareness do to our perception of the forest?

"Not until now" can be viewed as an independent sibling to "The Power Grid" (2018).

Festival manager


Tromsø International Film Festival 2021 (Norway)

Göteborg Film Festival 2021 (Sweden) 
Nominated for the Startsladden award at Göteborg Film Festival 2021

Tempo Documentary Festival 2021 (Sweden)

Tampere Film Festival 2021

Vera filmfestival 2021 (Åland)

Vapen och Dramatik AB

är en konstnärlig produktionsplattform i mellersta Norrland för essäistisk dokumentärfilm, ljudverk, text och bild och drivs sedan 2014 av Clara Bodén.

Kontakt: claramariaboden@gmail.com

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